The culture shock that comes with college life affects everyone in different ways. Adjusting from high school to college is one of the most difficult aspects of embarking on this new experience. With at least four years of college experience under their belts, graduating seniors reflect on their time at Lehigh and offer advice to incoming first-years. They discuss topics ranging from one’s balancing work and social life to finding a club or group on campus.
What advice do you have for next year’s freshmen?

Casey Colangelo
Casey Colangelo: Don’t get caught up in the “Lehigh bubble.” Stay true to who you are.
Rachel Sholder: Be aware of all of the resources that are available to you. There are so many things on campus to help you academically, socially — just about everything.
What did you find most challenging about Lehigh? How could other students deal with this same issue?
Rebekah Campo: I found having so much free time to be a problem, and (I) didn’t know how to handle that. I scheduled my day out like a high school schedule. I wrote it down in a planner and scheduled when I would go the library and when I would have my free time.

Beatrice Silberzweig
Bebe Silberzweig: In terms of academics, I wish that I had spread out my more difficult courses among semesters. Both of my sophomore year semesters were difficult, and I should have planned for that.
Rachel Sholder: I know a lot of people put a lot on themselves, between academics and things that they’re involved in. So try to learn time management skills early on, so you can do as much as you want and still do well in all of those things.
Do you have any studying tips or class scheduling in general?
Rebekah Campo: Break it up. Break up your studying and don’t do it all at once, and find a place that works for you. The library isn’t for everybody.

Chris Thompson
Chris Thompson: No matter what school you’re in — the business school, arts and sciences, engineering — it is imperative that you get out and take as many different classes across the schools as you can when those opportunities arise, because there are a crazy amount of professors here that are extremely intelligent and really want to help you out with your life. The more you know different professors at this school, the more successful you’re going to be in your future.
How do you recommend taking advantage of all the things Lehigh has to offer?
Sean Allen: One thing I didn’t take advantage of until my senior year was really participating in activities that the school provides like speakers — guest speakers in Zoellner, amazing speaker series that are very interesting, a lot of intellectuals come (to speak). Some of my most memorable speakers are from those series.
Chris Thompson: You should utilize professors within your own major to figure out what you want to do with your career earlier rather than later, because the quicker you can develop a plan to achieve and get a job that you want, the better off you are going to be. So really get to know your professors because they are there to help you. They are not against you and a lot of times I think that freshman think that that is the case.
Do you have any tips about participating in Greek life?

Sean Allen
Sean Allen: Always be willing to try anything and everything. The Greek system is definitely a great way to do that, but it is also very small community. So if you do get involved, step outside of the Greek system to get involved with your program and with people outside of the Greek system.
Bebe Silberzweig: I think it is important to not only be friends with your specific sorority or fraternity, but to branch out and make friends in different aspects of the Lehigh community like in your classes and in different clubs.
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