It has been one year since Lehigh shut its doors, for what would end up being the entirety of the academic year. Within the past 365 days, classes have shifted to Zoom, social gatherings have diminished and The Brown and White production has gone fully remote.
What were The Brown and White editors up to one year ago?
*Click each photo to enlarge*
- Andrew Isaacson ’22
- Anna Piecuch
- Emma Satin ’21, Editor in Chief
- Christina Perrier ’23, Associate Lifestyle Editor
- Maddie Sheifer ’21, Managing Editor
- Clare Fonstein ’22, Deputy News Editor
- Shana Lichaw ’21, Managing Editor of Visuals
- Sydney Staples ’22
- Julia D’Apolito ’22, Associate Audience Editor
- Mannan Mehta ’22, News Editor
- Miguel Cole’21, Engagement Editor
- Papa Asibuo ’24, Associate Data & Graphics Editor
- Carson Snyder ’23, Associate News Editor
- Jordyn Pykon ’23
- Gabrielle Falk ’22, Multimedia Editor
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The Brown and White also reserves the right to not publish entirely anonymous comments.