For the first time in at least four years, a member of Lehigh’s board of trustees attended a Student Senate…
For the first time in at least four years, a member of Lehigh’s board of trustees attended a Student Senate…
When English professor Michael Kramp began planning a filmmaking studio course for this semester, it was originally focused on the…
Throughout my elementary and middle school years, I constantly battled with essay writing. A perfectionist, I never liked anything I wrote as…
Aquí no se rinde nadie, que se rinda tu madre? “No one here is giving up, only your mom will”…
“Can I get some of that good kush?” A student recalls a police officer asking this during one of her…
Every first day of the year in middle school and high school, I would make myself a promise. I promised…
The Bethlehem city council is seeking to lessen the penalties for marijuana possession. An ordinance proposed by Councilwoman Olga Negron…
Keystone Canna Remedies, which opened in Bethlehem in January, is the first medical marijuana dispensary in Pennsylvania. It aims to…
It’s 9 p.m. on a Tuesday night — yes, a weeknight. You have three exams approaching, two papers due, an…
After Yukai Yang, ’18 was arrested and charged with ethnic intimidation, institutional vandalism and criminal mischief for vandalizing his roommate’s property,…