Phi Kappa Theta fraternity on the Hill. The fraternity can resume new member education once it discusses the circumstances with the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs. (Kerry Mallett/B&W Photo)

Phi Kappa Theta fraternity suspended


Lehigh’s Phi Kappa Theta fraternity has been temporarily suspended pending an investigation regarding university code of conduct violations, according to the Lehigh Greeks Blog.

Lehigh Greeks says allegations being brought against the fraternity include endangering the health and safety of students, providing alcohol to a minor, failure to adhere to medical amnesty and failure to abide by alcohol-free conduct sanctions in place following a previous hearing.

The charges refer to sanctions set in place after Phi Kappa Theta underwent an Office of Student Conduct investigation during the Fall 2014 semester when it was found responsible for violating the code of conduct for disrespect to others and hazing, among others.

In a disciplinary conference that was held on Nov. 1, 2014, the fraternity plead guilty to all charges brought against them and agreed the committee’s report was factually accurate, the blog says.

“This interim suspension mandates that no chapter activities of any kind may occur, either on Lehigh University’s campus or off-campus for Phi Kappa Theta,” Lehigh Greeks says.

According to Lehigh Greeks, the Office of Student Conduct and Community Expectations will begin an investigation. Chapter members are not permitted to conduct any chapter operations during the investigation until the formal resolution of the allegations has been concluded.

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