Bill Hunter will no longer be director of the Global Union at Lehigh after holding the position for 17 years, according to an email from Hunter.

Bill Hunter (Courtesy of
Effective immediately, Hunter will be promoted to the director of the Office of Fellowship Advising and UN Programs.
“In this new role I will assist Lehigh’s students and faculty with applications for some of the nation’s most prestigious scholarships (Rhodes, Marshall, Churchill, Fulbright, etc.),” Hunter wrote in the email. ‘I will continue to serve as Lehigh’s Representative to the UN and manager of the Fulbright Association. Global PreLUsion and the Antigua service trip will also remain in my portfolio.”
Clara Buie, the former assistant director of English as a second language, will eventually take over Hunter’s role as director of the Global Union. Hunter and Buie will be co-leaders of the Global Union for the fall semester, and she’ll move into the role of assistant director of Global Engagement, which includes the Global Union, after the fall.
“These 17 years have been the most rewarding of my professional career, and I will treasure the many memories and friendships created along the way,” Hunter wrote. “I look forward to celebrating the GU’s 20th anniversary with you all during this academic year, and to the many exciting GU programs yet to come.”
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