Lehigh's undergraduate tuition increases nearly every year. Tuition will increase by 3.5 percent for the 2022-2023 academic year. (Papa Asibuo/B&W Staff)

Lehigh tuition to increase by 3.5 percent


Lehigh University Provost Nathan Urban and Vice President for Finance and Administration Pat Johnson announced in an email to the campus community that Lehigh’s Board of Trustees approved a 3.5 percent increase in undergraduate tuition for the 2022-2023 academic year.

This increase will add $1,990 to last year’s tuition price, bringing annual tuition from $56,980 to $58,970. The total cost of undergraduate attendance, which includes tuition and room and board fees, will be approximately $75,820.

The email states this tuition increase is the smallest percentage increase in five years, aside from the 2020-2021 academic year when tuition was unchanged due to the pandemic. 

Urban and Johnson said the university has made investments in campus resources and plans to continue this trend.

“This year, we are planning to hire more than 40 new faculty across a wide range of disciplines,” the email reads. “We also have increased staffing in our Health and Wellness Center and updated the facility to meet the growing needs of our students for physical and mental health services.”

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