The Department of Theatre canceled the remaining showings of “The Roles We Play.” The announcement came out on April 26.

Theatre Department cancels remaining play run after positive COVID case


The Department of Theatre canceled their remaining scheduled performances of the production “The Roles We Play,” due to a positive COVID-19 case within the company.   

They had gotten to perform three shows before the cancellation.

The announcement that further performances would be canceled came out on Tuesday. The play was supposed to run through Saturday, with four more planned shows.

“Due to the uncertainty of our ability to continue with performances, and out of concern for the wellbeing of the cast, crew, and audiences, remaining performances in Diamond Theater are canceled,” said Theatre Department Chair Kashi Johnson, in an email with the cancellation announcement. 

The email said all purchased tickets will be refunded. 

Student director Daniel Brody, ‘22, said he received an email Monday evening alerting him that an actor in the play tested positive. 

“My first instinct was, ‘Oh God, well, let’s think safety first,’” he said. “I’m the director, of course I want the show to go on, but I don’t want it to go on at a risk to anyone’s health.” 

Brody said they had been rehearsing for three months leading up to the performances. He said there have been a slew of challenges throughout the preparation: there were COVID-19 cases, personal issues requiring absence, an actor who sprained both ankles and, of course, the final COVID-19 case prompting the show’s cancellation.

Brody said it hurt being the one to make the announcement to the cast about the cancellation. He said he didn’t want them to hear about it in an email blast from Lehigh. 

“It is a bummer,” Brody said. “Everyone’s disappointed. Everyone’s hurt. It feels a little bit like heartbreak.”     

He said a lot of friends and family never got the chance to see the show. 

Brody said there were multiple other seniors in the cast and crew who are not pursuing performance or theater in their careers, making this their last show for the foreseeable future.

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