In honor of the 158th Le-Laf game, students and Bethlehem residents hang sheets with playful insults aimed at Lafayette written on them. This one, hung outside an off-campus house, reads, “Breaking News: Laf Caused Inflation.” (Nahjiah Miller/Photo Editor)

In honor of the 158th Le-Laf game, students and Bethlehem residents hang sheets with playful insults aimed at Lafayette written on them. This one, hung outside an off-campus house, reads, “Laf Did Shakira’s Taxes.” (Nahjiah Miller/Photo Editor)

In honor of the 158th Le-Laf game, students and Bethlehem residents hang sheets with playful insults aimed at Lafayette written on them. This one, hung outside an off-campus house, reads, “Laf Killed the Queen.” (Nahjiah Miller/Photo Editor)

In honor of the 158th Le-Laf game, students and Bethlehem residents hang sheets with playful insults aimed at Lafayette written on them. This one, hung outside an off-campus house, reads, “Aegon Should Be King,” a reference to HBO’s Game of Thrones television show. (Nahjiah Miller/Photo Editor)

A Le-Laf banner at Bonn Place Brewing Co on the South Side. In honor of the 158th Le-Laf game, students, faculty and Bethlehem residents hang sheets around campus and the city with playful Lafayette insults written on them. (Nahjiah Miller/Photo Editor)

Bonn Place Brewing Co on the South Side is offering a beer called “Laf thinks,” and having people write in submissions for other banner phrase ideas. In honor of the 158th Le-Laf game, students, faculty and Bethlehem residents hang sheets around campus and the city with playful Lafayette insults written on them. (Nahjiah Miller/Photo Editor)
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