The university is running out of isolation housing options for on-campus students who contract Coronavirus. Lehigh's COVID-19 dashboard is reporting 207 total active cases among students living on or off campus with 159 being in residence halls. (Adele Hancock/B&W Staff)

BREAKING: Surveillance testing finds 106 positive COVID-19 cases, up from 50 last week


BREAKING: Following last week’s update, there are now 106 total active cases of COVID-19 among students living on or off campus. This is more than double the number of active cases reported by The Brown and White on Feb. 5. 

Of the 106 cases, 31 are among students living in residence halls on campus, while 75 are among students living off campus in the Bethlehem area. 

Since Jan. 1, there have been a total of 149 total positive cases among students living on or off campus. 

So far, Lehigh has conducted 6,737 surveillance tests. Of those, 140 have yielded positive results—a positivity rate of 2.08 percent. 

The COVID-19 Response Team urges students to limit close contact and continue exercising caution, in order to minimize positive cases and maximize in-person activity throughout the semester.

This story will be updated as more information is made available. Please return to The Brown and White for continued COVID-19 updates.

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