Lehigh University Art Galleries (LUAG) received a grant from the CDC to combat vaccine hesitancy in the community as a part of a national initiative called Communities for Immunity. LUAG is located in Zoellner Arts Center and currently exhibits the Thinking Through Drawing collection. (Zhuocheng Wang/B&W staff)

#DrawTheLineAgainstCovid: Lehigh art galleries joins campaign to promote vaccinations


Lehigh University Art Galleries (LUAG) is joining an initiative to combat COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy through its campaign, #DrawTheLineAgainstCovid or #LaLíneaContraCovid. 

The organization received a $10,000 grant as part of the national initiative, Community for Immunity. LUAG is one of 51 museums and libraries to be awarded the grant. 

“Our initiative, titled #LaLíneaContraCovid, aims to provide access to COVID-19 vaccine information and reduce vaccine hesitancy,” said Elise Schaffer, a coordinator at LUAG.

#DrawTheLineAgainstCovid is a bilingual promotional campaign, providing free sketching kits and a one year membership to the galleries and workshops for those who can provide proof of vaccination. 

The LUAG team wants to focus on increasing awareness and recognizing important value experiences. As such, they plan to use the funds for promotional purposes, said William Crow, director of LUAG. 

Stacie Brennan, curator of education for LUAG, said the galleries have been working hard to engage people throughout the pandemic. However, she said this type of campaign was new to her because LUAG is now reaching out in new ways and strengthening its role as a trusted public resource. 

This was LUAG’s first time receiving COVID-19-related funding, Brennan said.

“(The) museum is not only for learning various cultures and perspectives, but also is known for consistently trusted regular services, reliable sources, high levels of community/publicity trust and (a) growing body of resources,” Crow said.

LUAG has shared almost 1,000 postcards with information about the event and how it will run with the Bethlehem Area School District, in the local SouthSide community and through programming at LUAG’s museum on campus.  

“All of the programs and resources LUAG provides, including this initiative, underscore our commitment to building well-being through transformative experiences with art,” Brennan said. “Last year we were proud to feature the works of artists from all over the world in an exhibition called Black and White Sketches in Quarantine, which featured artists’ creative responses during the pandemic.”

Schaffer said LUAG will continue this effort and hopes to share more information regarding upcoming available clinics offered through organizations in the Lehigh Valley. 

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