Lehigh has been awarded the HEED award for a commitment to diversity five years in a row, but student surveys show that some students still feel they lack support in their endeavors. (Zeyang Zhang/B&W Staff)

Lehigh announces updated posting policy in campus-wide email


Lehigh announced a unified posting policy in a campus-wide email Tuesday afternoon from Provost Nathan Urban; Michael Todd, vice president of finance and administration; and Ricardo Hall, vice president of student affairs.

The policy notes that posting on campus is reserved to Lehigh community members, which includes students, faculty and staff, university departments and university organizations.

According to the email, the policy states “All material must include the name of the university community member, department, or organization responsible for the posting and their contact information (e.g., email address, telephone number, and/or website).”

The university posting policy, effective as of Jan. 22, states “The University reserves the right to amend, supplement, and interpret this Policy, including by issuing additional supplemental policies and procedures, as it deems necessary and appropriate in its sole discretion.”

The policy states designated spaces for posting include areas expressly approved in advance by the university, such as by building managers, building monitors, department chairs, deans or directors. 

“Designated spaces are chosen based on location and surface type; how posting materials may affect specific surfaces is a consideration (for example, materials used to post information on painted walls may damage the surface and require repairs),” the email states. “Posting in certain areas (e.g., classrooms) generally will not be permitted. Materials posted in non-designated spaces are subject to removal by any member of the university community.”

The policy states permission to post under the policy does not imply the university’s endorsement of the contents of a posting, and that they may modify postings that may imply university’s endorsement of such postings.

“We hope this policy makes it easier to find information on campus and enhances the learning environment at Lehigh, and that you experience a smooth start to the spring semester,” the email states.

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