Junior Jake Roth leads Lehigh men's golf team with a top 10 finish at Alex Lagowitz Memorial Invitational on Sunday, Sept. 8, 2024. Roth was two under par 70, and made three birdies on the 15th hole. (Courtesy of Hannah Ally)

Roth drives into Lehigh men’s golf 2024 season


Lehigh men’s golf junior Jake Roth is gaining traction after beginning the 2024 season with a top 10 finish at the Alex Lagowitz Memorial Invitational in Hamilton, New York. 

Roth recorded the low round of the weekend, shooting two under par to tie for ninth place. He also made three birdies and an eagle on the 15th hole. 

When looking at this season, Roth said he and the other upperclassmen are prepared for the challenge of being the new leaders of the squad. 

“Last year we lost three very impactful players, all of which were captains of the team,” Roth said. “Leading by example is the first step in doing everything I can to fill the shoes of the guys who left this past year.” 

He said he plans to take the younger players under his wing in an attempt to emulate what the former captains did for him when he was a rookie. 

Lehigh men’s golf coach Henry D’Alberto said he has seen Roth improve mentally throughout the offseason and expects great things from him this year. 

“He keeps his emotions under control, makes good decisions and plays within himself,” D’Alberto said. “I expect (Roth) to have a really good season. His confidence is back, and when he is playing well, the sky’s the limit.”

Roth also expressed some of the same desires for himself. He said he hopes to earn his second collegiate victory of his career, and he feels confident he’ll achieve that goal. 

“I’ve always heard my coach say, ‘Everyone who has won once individually has won twice,’” Roth said.

Roth’s desire for a second victory has only grown since his first in the fall of his first year. 

He said he feels his game is in the right spot to make it a reality. 

Another one of his goals for this season, Roth said, is improving the mental side of his game. He particularly wants to focus on his mental toughness, which includes keeping his composure on each shot. 

“I’m trying to concentrate more on the process than the result,” Roth said. “My personal success this season depends on my ability to ignore bad shots, bad holes and bad rounds.” 

Roth’s teammate, junior Will Caronchi, said Roth’s biggest strength is the mental strength he is bringing into the season, as he doesn’t let the little things bother him. 

“(Roth) has a ton of belief in himself,” Caronchi said. “He steps up to every shot knowing that he is going to hit a good one, and he rarely puts himself out of position.” 

Roth said he believes this year’s team can improve from where they were last year, and win a Patriot League title. 

He said the potential for the title comes from the the talent on the roster, and is feasible as long as everyone pushes each other to be their best. 

The team finished fourth in the Patriot League last year, with +33 to par. Their next match is The Doc Gimmler on Sept. 16, in Farmingdale, New York, hosted by St. John’s University. 

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