Olivia Menkowitz and Emily Segal
Our goal is to provide an anonymous way for people in the Lehigh community to ask for advice. This can range from school advice to personal issues. Our hope for this column is to help not only the people who submit questions, but also the readers.
We want connect the community and bring a new flare to The Brown and White. We feel that this will connect people to The Brown and White on a more personal level and we are excited to help readers.
To submit your question to B&W Advice simply type it into our anonymous survey monkey provided here.
Additionally, we will have a separate box where advice-seekers can choose a username to go by when we reply to their submission. This feature makes it so users can have their submission personally responded to, but still remain anonymous. We will sign each submission with “B&W Advice.”
Above all, we want users to feel as comfortable as possible.
The students behind “B&W Advice”
Olivia Menkowitz, ’20
I’m a double major in journalism and graphic design. I believe I can give good advice because I grew up in a family with opinionated sisters, and I am not afraid to speak my mind. I’m also good at understanding and caring for others because I am the middle child and have learned to empathize with both sides of a story.
Emily Segal, ’21
I’m a journalism major and marketing minor. I believe I can give good advice because I’ve experienced my fair share of drama — both insignificant and life changing. I have a twin sister who has taught me how to compromise and look at things from more than one perspective. I myself have struggled to balance school, social life and sleep. So, I feel that I can give some good tips.
Comment policy
Comments posted to The Brown and White website are reviewed by a moderator before being approved. Incendiary speech or harassing language, including comments targeted at individuals, may be deemed unacceptable and not published. Spam and other soliciting will also be declined.
The Brown and White also reserves the right to not publish entirely anonymous comments.