The Lehigh community took part in a DEI solidarity walk on Wednesday. The march, planned by various organizations on campus, included speakers who discussed the importance of equity initiatives on campus. (Mazeed Raji/ B&W Staff)

Photo Gallery: Community walks in solidarity with DEI initiatives


Donald Outing, vice president of equity and community, addresses the crowd prior to the DEI solidarity walk on Wednesday. He said the university’s commitment to equity initiatives is unwavering. (Mazeed Raji/ B&W Staff)

A sign reading “DEI saves lives” is propped on the Clayton University Center flagpole. Participants of the solidarity walk held signs while walking around campus, voicing the importance of equity initiatives. (Mazeed Raji/ B&W Staff)

Brooke Littman, ’25, holds a sign reading, “Diversity is our power” while participating in the walk. The group traveled from the UC flagpole to the Zoellner Arts Center and back. (Mazeed Raji/B&W Staff)

Demi Moore, ’27, gives a speech outside of Zoellner Arts Center halfway through the DEI march on Wednesday. Moore shared her experience growing up as a queer person of color and said she was grateful to find a supportive community at Lehigh. (Mazeed Raji/ B&W Staff)

Over 200 students march through Lehigh’s campus in solidarity with DEI initiatives. Along the way, participants chanted, “Who is DEI? We are DEI.” (Mazeed Raji/ B&W Staff)

An attendee at the DEI solidarity walk on Wednesday holds a sign reading, “We hold these truths to be self-evident.” Speakers at the event discussed the importance of history, emphasizing how attendees need to continue advocating for inclusivity. (Mazeed Raji/ B&W Staff)

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